Monday, March 9, 2009


Hi all. I realize this blog is pretty bland with the lack of pictures and all, but hey, look at it this way, being a guy, I haven't got a handbag to carry a camera in to take shots of everything I least not in the foreseeable future anyways.

Plus, a guy camwhoring is just really really wrong. It'd make me look like a girl, or worse, gay. Of course, these sentiments are just my personal opinion of how I WOULD look if I had been camwhoring excessively and not meant to be offensive to anyone (*cough elton *cough).

Anyways, life in Melbourne has not exactly been a rollercoaster ride, nor has it been totally bland either. Uni is education as usual, homework, boring classes, and lectures in which I can't seem to stay awake because its just too damn boring to sit and listen to some middle-aged people talk about stuff that I wouldn't need to remember after the next 4 months. Yes, Monash's core commerce units does suck, but oh well.

Last Saturday, me and some fags went down to the city to get a little action, at least the rest of the guys were. No pics. Well, not unless I can scab some off of Ji Min by the end of the post, which is rather impossible.

It was at Queensbridge just next to crown casino. The event was XXL which was something like an asian night. We Monash students got cheap tickets because the event was in conjunction with the ASEAN club after party.

For those who are asking, the ASEAN club is some random club which is a good place to meet asians in uni, although I must admit, I haven't met a single person through the ASEAN club so it appears dodgy to me.

Whoa, were there some hot asian chicks there, but the club itself was pretty sub-standard compared to the likes of MOS in Malaysia. Unfortunately I couldn't tap any chicks because I'm a shy guy with low self-esteem. There. I said it. Now you can all poke fun at me.

Maybe if I ever go to these sorts of things again, I would be fortunate enough to scab pics of chicks that I know, but it does a look a little far-fetched now.


Second week of uni and I have a tonne of work to complete. Whoever said uni life was easy?