Writhing in the throes of depression when theres no right to be depressed is not a pleasant place at all. But alas, when the negatives start piling up and you're too lazy to help yourself, theres not much you can do about it except feel bad and accept reality as it is.
Gone are the days where you can just laugh away or brush off the unpleasantries of life as if nothing bothers you, with not a care in the world.
How bad reality strikes you down. Its like being left out in the cold wilderness wondering what has happened, feeling so open and vulnerable.
Is this maturity?
Or is it just because theres no longer a sense of belonging. Sitting alone in some corner, surrounded by people who see through you. Walking in and out of your life with impunity simply because you're just a speck of dirt in the whole scheme of things. The type that people don't even bother to brush off their shoes.
Maybe one day that will change. Or remain as it always has. Leaving one feeling as if there is no reason for existence.
Friday, July 31, 2009
One of those days.
Dished out by Fai at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yasith has officially moved to dumbshit status.
*yew fai says:
yasith cooks himself to make curry
yasith says:
nah i dont do hanibalism
Dished out by Fai at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
yasith says:
i might come at like 5 50
yasith says:
yasith says:
i gotta get a lift from mum and shes going somewhere
*yew fai says:
*yew fai says:
*yew fai says:
u idiot
yasith says:
i mean
yasith says:
Dished out by Fai at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Yasith is a tool. Episode 2.
yasith says:
hey let me come over and burrow some dvd's
*yew fai says:
*yew fai says:
u can burrow dvds all you like
*yew fai says:
u just cant borrow them
Dished out by Fai at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A dedication to Yasith.
yasith says:
swaeting at ppl is not polite
yasith says:
and a jackass attitude
*yew fai says:
*yew fai says:
*yew fai says:
you moron
Dished out by Fai at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
My Personality Disorders.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
Karyee pointed me to this personality test thingy here http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx which I find to be pretty accurate, except for the admirers bit, which I find pretty dodgy.
Dished out by Fai at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Careless Day.
Today was a seriously omg day. I had a management tutorial today and guess what?
I found out that I don't have any conceptual, human or technical skills according to some totally random management survey in the textbook. For the record, I would like to point out that this is indeed true and that I am not qualified to handle a job. Therefore, I should continue being a professional slacker for life. Now the next step in the equation is trying to persuade my parents. =D
Aside from that. Guess what. I rushed off to the library after class to grab a bite because I was massively hungry and when I opened my bag, I found, or rather didn't find my textbook! A brand new one costing close to 100 AUD. Yeah. So in the quiet study section of the library, I actually shouted: "FUCK!" and proceeded to run back into the classroom on the 3rd floor to find it. Guess what. IT WASN'T THERE!
Thinking I was doomed, I walked around campus trying to find my tute mates to ask them if they'd seen my book, which of course none of them did. =/
Not giving up hope I ran back into the Menzies building to find my tute guy to ask if he had kept it for me, but trying to find him was so hard. I ran up to the 4th floor to find the management faculty office closed. So I decided to find it for myself and ran through all floors to the 9th floor to find that, the management faculty were all on the 4th and 5th floors. WTF. So I had to run down there and sheepishly ask an associate professor to locate my tute guy's number. My tute guy didn't answer the phone. I mean like, seriously.
So I called up Kihsien to pass me Jenny's mobile number because she was in my tute as well. And Kih didn't really know which number it was and passed me 3 numbers. Lol. So I called the first number which didn't pick up, then the second which was Jia Lin and the third was some random girl name shirley or something. During the 3rd call, the first number called me back and thank god it was Jenny and she had passed my books to Darren. Thank you thank you.
I was so worried during the one and a half hours before my Accounting lecture that I forgot to eat, which was the reason I left my books in the first place. Talk about a random turn of events.
Well. All that running up and down should make me fit enough for a marathon in no time =p
To mark the end of this post, I would like to give you all a picture. You know, because the accounting lecture is dreadfully boring, we all have to resort to entertaining ourselves. Me with my iPod and Elton with his TB games:
Thats all folks. A special thank you to Jenny who found my books and passed it to Cheah. To Kih who was nice enough to send me the phone numbers and to Cheah who had to carry the books around. =D
Dished out by Fai at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hi all. I realize this blog is pretty bland with the lack of pictures and all, but hey, look at it this way, being a guy, I haven't got a handbag to carry a camera in to take shots of everything I do...at least not in the foreseeable future anyways.
Plus, a guy camwhoring is just really really wrong. It'd make me look like a girl, or worse, gay. Of course, these sentiments are just my personal opinion of how I WOULD look if I had been camwhoring excessively and not meant to be offensive to anyone (*cough elton *cough).
Anyways, life in Melbourne has not exactly been a rollercoaster ride, nor has it been totally bland either. Uni is education as usual, homework, boring classes, and lectures in which I can't seem to stay awake because its just too damn boring to sit and listen to some middle-aged people talk about stuff that I wouldn't need to remember after the next 4 months. Yes, Monash's core commerce units does suck, but oh well.
Last Saturday, me and some fags went down to the city to get a little action, at least the rest of the guys were. No pics. Well, not unless I can scab some off of Ji Min by the end of the post, which is rather impossible.
It was at Queensbridge just next to crown casino. The event was XXL which was something like an asian night. We Monash students got cheap tickets because the event was in conjunction with the ASEAN club after party.
For those who are asking, the ASEAN club is some random club which is a good place to meet asians in uni, although I must admit, I haven't met a single person through the ASEAN club so it appears dodgy to me.
Whoa, were there some hot asian chicks there, but the club itself was pretty sub-standard compared to the likes of MOS in Malaysia. Unfortunately I couldn't tap any chicks because I'm a shy guy with low self-esteem. There. I said it. Now you can all poke fun at me.
Maybe if I ever go to these sorts of things again, I would be fortunate enough to scab pics of chicks that I know, but it does a look a little far-fetched now.
Second week of uni and I have a tonne of work to complete. Whoever said uni life was easy?
Dished out by Fai at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Omg uni has started, since, like Monday.
The good news is theres tonnes of hot chicks in my uni. The bad part is that I haven't met many new people. Yes, I'm anti-social, thats why I write a blog! (No offence =D)
Yeah. Uni is pretty stressful as it turns out, becausee...
No, its not the workload. Although theres like tonnes of assignments which I have no idea how to even begin doing, typical lazy me.
No, its not the distance from the uni to my house, which is 10 mins walk to the bus stop and a further 15 mins bus ride (yes I'm a whiny little twat when it comes to travelling time).
It's because of the ridiculously boring lectures, which I think I'll skip (some of the anyway) and the awkward little tutes where you're new and you don't really know anyone...yet.
And, the ridiculous waiting times in between lectures and tutes, up to 3 hours which is so boring, especially if you have no one to accompany you, as uni is such that everyones timetable is conflicting in some ways.
Overall though, my uni outlook is pretty bright and I think I'll like it in Monash Clayton. I'm pretty happy where I'm at, even though I find that theres so many people hotter than me (I'm at the bottom of the barrel, mind you), a holdover from my low self-esteem fat kid days.
Yes, uni has its little quirks, but don't be disheartened dears, as uni really has a way of endearing itself to you, whether you're a studying bookworm or a jock who's just in it for the rugby club.
Toodles for now.
Dished out by Fai at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's a picture of a fireman giving water to a koala bear, a usually grumpy animal which has suffered in the bush fires due to its tendency to climb up trees and its slow ground travelling speed. The fire man in the picture said that the koala's paws were badly burnt and was limping when he passed by it. The koala then just sat down with the helpless look in its eye. Thats when the fireman in the picture called for water. He just held the koala's hand and put the bottle to its mouth, much like feeding a baby. The koala has been named Sam.

These pictures show the Sam being treated at an animal treatment centre that has been set up. The veterinarian on duty has said that Sam will take up to 6 months for its paws to heal before it can be released back into the wild. On another note, Sam, a female has found a new friend in captivity, koala Bob which has been wrapping his arms around Sam. Happy Valentines koalas!

And in the last post I mentioned Marysville. Heres a picture of it now.
Dished out by Fai at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Victorian bush fires
Okay. This post is long overdue, but here goes. Recently, well, last Saturday actually, Melbourne had its hottest day every recorded, with some places hitting 47 degrees celcius. This, coupled with 90+ kmh hotwinds has triggered massive bush fires in parts of Victoria and New South Wales and exacerbated existing ones lit by firebugs.
This bushfire is the largest single catastrophe encountered by Australians with entire villages and communities destroyed by fires that travelled at 60mph. The official death toll stands at 181 dead with many more bodies of victims unrecovered. Hundreds more have been hospitalized with serious burns. 750 homes have been destroyed, leaving thousands across Victoria homeless.
Entire communities were wiped out in this fire, for example in a town called Strathewan, 30 people have been killed out of a total population of 450. These deaths affect the communities as a whole. This grief for loved ones is exacerbated by the fact that some of these fires were deliberately lit.
In the town of Yea in Victoria, thousands of families are living in tents, their lives, jobs and schooling put on hold due to these fires.
The scene of the fire is nothing short of horrific as workers and CFA firemen have been encountering charred bodies on the road. Many firemen also reported charred bodies sitting in vehicles in the middle of the road, their former owners unable to outrun the fire.
Most people living in the state of Victoria are touched by this tragedy. I remember going to a quaint little tourist town named Marysville which is about an hours drive from my home last June with my family. We stopped there during the skiing season to rent skis. The town was nice and homely looking, with historical artifacts and friendly people. However, I never expected that it would be the last time I would see the place. When footage of Marysville aired on TV, I couldn't recognize the place at all - all that remained were charred skeletons of houses.
This is just a short summary on the bush fires that is taking place in Victoria, for more reading, you can go to http://www.theage.com.au/national/blazes-across-victoria-as-bushfire-disaster-toll-rises-20090210-82ip.html .
I highly recommend you visit this site to see the extent of the suffering and destruction caused by the bush fires. You can also donate to the victims of the bush fire here. https://www.redcross.org.au/Donations/onlineDonations.asp
I know that most people won't have the means to donate. But I'm doing this as apart of community service and I hope readers can spread the news on the bush fires.
Dished out by Fai at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Lamb Steaks.
No this is not a random post okay. 2 days ago, I decided to try out my now rusty cooking skills thanks to my Malaysian holiday, where, like a bum, I ate out for every meal.
Anyways, since my mom had defrosted lamb chops, that is what I have to work with.
Behold! Lamb Chops!
Okay, so about 2 hours before cooking, I marinated the lamb pieces with these ingredients:
Some Kikkoman soy sauce, black pepper and sugar for the basics. Then I added some sesame seed oil for some flavour and smell along with a touch of Basil leaves for that added spice. Then some chopped garlic was added in to give it some fragrance, especially during the frying part.
Now, the "enjoyable" part is mixing up all these ingredients into the meat itself, which is fairly straightforward. Now, you can either use your hands (be careful to wash them first, or you might get more flavours than you bargained for xD) or a spoon or some other utensil, but personally i find that personally fingered food always tastes better =D
Okay, this is how it SHOULD look after marinating, with a bit of extra sauce around, unless of course you did something wrong. <<---(disclaimer) Okay. Especially in hot weather, you have to cover the meat in cling film and then stick it in the fridge for the next 2 hours or so for the sauce to settle into the meat. If you're in a rush, then the marinating period is unneccesary but it just wont taste as good. Anyway, when you cook, use a pan or a wok, preferably non-stick so that cleaning won't be that much of a hassle. Put some oil in the pan and thenlet it heat up before putting the lamb in, not too many at a time.
I usually don't actually time my cooking, but you will get an indication to when it is done. When in doubt, you can use a pair of scissors to snip a bit of the meat to see whether its reddish inside. For meats like lamb and beef, generally considered cleaner meats, it is okay to have it slightly reddish as it is juicier and more tender than having it cooked to well done.
Okay, after all that, it should look like this:
Well, lamb steaks are very versatile, so you can just serve it by itself or any manner of side dish you'd like to have, preferably with some carbs and veges for a balanced meal.
This is like a really simple meal to cook, so all students already overseas or going over soon should learn this easy recipe. And also, don't forget to line the floor with paper and wear gloves if you're not used to the oil flying out at your hand because it does happen...a lot.

Dished out by Fai at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Yew Fai, err, Matt has a new name!
Yes, I'm grinning at your stupidity.
Okay. The first order of business is... I'm not doing business. HEHEHHEHHAHAHAHHA <--- Syok Sendiri.
Dished out by Fai at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Omg. A New Blog.
Yes, I've decided to start a new blog with a morbid name =/ Well we'll skip that part.
Dished out by Fai at 1:12 AM 0 comments